
Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Favorite Knitting Project Ever - The Pink Dress

A couple of weeks ago, my Little House knitting pattern was featured on the Berroco Yarns Design Studio blog.  I am so appreciative of this opportunity to be included in their “Designer Spotlight” series! 

One of the questions they asked me as part of the interview was “What’s your favorite knitting project you’ve ever made?” 

This was a fun question because it brought back memories of special items I’ve made for my family over the years:  the sweaters I knit for my husband before we were married (I have to admit I haven’t made him a sweater in a while and it might be time to do that again!); the navy blue hat and mitten set with little sailboats that I made for our son when he was little; the many Christmas ornaments I’ve knit over the years; and many other projects.

As I answered the other questions for the interview, I was having a hard time pinpointing my favorite knitting project ever.  Then I remembered the pink knitted dress!  My daughter loved wearing that dress!  She wore it for two years for many special occasions including Thanksgiving, Christmas, her birthday, and even on Easter one year when it was a cool spring day.  The dress looked great with her black patent leather shoes, white tights and a simple white turtleneck.

The fun coincidence (remember I was being interviewed by the Berroco blog staff)…the ‘Missy’ jumper dress pattern I used to make the pink knitted dress is a Berroco pattern I bought at a little yarn shop about 10 years ago (time flies!).  

This jumper design is classic and timeless. Berroco now offers the 'Missy' jumper dress pattern as a free PDF download on their website.  (It looks like the yarn has been discontinued...bummer!  But, I'm sure other yarns would work.  Just make sure your gauge is spot on!)  Also, I would suggest buying extra yardage of yarn.  When I finished knitting the size 4 dress I only had about one to two yards of yarn leftover.  I still remember being very relieved as I held that small piece of  leftover yarn in the palm of my hand...pretty lucky!

It makes me so happy to know that my daughter has great memories of wearing the pink knitted dress I made for her.  The dress is safely tucked away and maybe someday she’ll have a little girl in her life who will wear the dress again. 

What is your favorite knitting project you have ever made?  

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